Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Trump's Executive Order Leaves the Bureaucracy Angry

Recently, President Donald Trump signed an executive order, which led to the "freezing" of almost all federal hiring.  He has made clear that he has plans to downsize the bureaucracy, a plan that many bureaucrats and federal workers were not happy with.  Trump will likely be cutting the budget of many agencies in the bureaucracy which would force them to fire employees and become smaller organizations.  The bureaucrats however, could "strike back" against Trump through refusing to do certain things, lobbying Congress, or creating policies, using discretionary authority, that go against the President's wishes.  There are many unions representing bureaucrats that have already expressed concern about the executive order.  The unions are also trying to encourage their members to use the protection of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 in order to release any documents or files that are unethical, illegal, or corrupt.  We will have to wait and see how President Trump's plans with bureaucracy unfold.  You can read more about it here.

Many presidents in the past decades have tried to cut down on the size of the bureaucracy and Trump is not the first president to enact an executive order "freezing" hiring.  Trump's plans for reducing the bureaucracy are not that different from plans that other presidents have tried and failed.  Reagan even increased the bureaucracy despite trying to reduce it.  I believe that there is a better method to reduce the size of the bureaucracy rather than directly attacking it.  Hopefully the President's plan will have a good effect on the nation and turn out well in the end.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

President Trump Looks to Chinese President Xi Jinping for Support With North Korea

The United States president, Donald Trump, is facing many issues with the North Korean nuclear missile program.  The program has the ultimate goal of creating an ICBM, intercontinental ballistic missile, which would pose a great threat to the United States.  Trump has asked the president of China, Xi Jinping to try to persuade the North Korean government to stop the missile program.  China is the biggest ally of North Korea, so Trump hopes that China may have an influential effect on Kim Jung Un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea.  So far China has proven unsuccessful and North Korea has continued its missile program.  You can read more about it here.

The president of the United States of America has the enumerated power of being the nation's Chief Diplomat and handling the most important foreign relations.

I believe that asking China to try and persuade the North Korean government to stop the missile program is a good idea.  The country is becoming more and more dangerous as Kim Jung Un has tested more missiles than both his father and his grandfather and is slowly getting closer to developing an ICBM.  I do not however believe that the best way of dealing with the situation is through military action due to the fact it could spark the next world war or at the very least, another Korean War.  I believe a diplomatic path should be pursued in a calm and negotiating manner that does not cause any unnecessary bloodshed or conflict.