Wednesday, March 22, 2017

President Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

President Donald Trump has recently elected Neil Gorsuch as a nominee to fill the seat that was left empty after Justice Scalia's death.  Neil Gorsuch is a very conservative individual who believes in strict interpretation of the Constitution and that it was not meant to be altered for by how society changes.  He has had connections with Supreme Court justices in the past, Scalia and Kennedy.  Some people believe Gursuch is nothing more than a "fly-fishing Scalia fan" while President Trump says "'the qualifications of Judge Gorsuch are beyond dispute.'"  If the Senate decides to confirm Neil Gorsuch, then the Supreme Court will consist of 5 conservative judges and 4 more liberal judges.  You can read more about it here.

The Supreme Court has the power of Judicial Review and the power to interpret the Constitution in the way that they think is necessary.  If Neil Gorsuch becomes the new justice, than the Court will lean Conservative on nearly every issue.

I think the Supreme Court should be made up of more independent judges that tend to look at cases on a case by case basis.  Things in America are changing everyday and no matter what the Supreme Court does, that will not be prevented.  Since Gorsuch already has connections within the Supreme Court, it will give him an edge in all of the cases for the other justices to vote in a similar way which will make the court disproportionate for possibly decades.  I fear that with the new justice, he will take more care in what Trump desires instead of what should be done.

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